Pension Calculator

Compare pension options and make informed retirement decisions.

Lump Sum or Monthly Pension?

Lump Sum Total Value$0
Pension Total Value$0
Break-even Age0

Single-life or Joint-and-survivor?

Single Life Total$0
Joint Survivor Total$0

Should You Work Longer?

Option 1: Retire Earlier

Option 2: Work Longer

Early Retirement Total$0
Work Longer Total$0
Break-even Age0

Understanding Pension Options

Key Considerations

Important factors to consider when making pension decisions:

  • Financial Security:

    Consider your long-term financial needs and risk tolerance

  • Life Expectancy:

    Factor in your health and family history

  • Family Needs:

    Consider spouse and dependent requirements

Decision Factors

Additional factors that may influence your choice:

  • Investment Returns:

    Consider potential returns on lump sum investments

  • Inflation:

    Impact of cost-of-living adjustments

  • Work Satisfaction:

    Consider job satisfaction and health factors