401(k) Calculator

Estimate retirement savings, analyze early withdrawals, and optimize employer match contributions

401(k) Balance Calculator

Basic Info


Early Withdrawal Calculator

Maximize Employer Match Calculator

Understanding Your 401(k)

Key Benefits

A 401(k) is a powerful retirement savings tool offering several advantages:

  • Tax Advantages:

    Contributions reduce your taxable income, and earnings grow tax-deferred

  • Employer Match:

    Many employers match a portion of your contributions - it's free money!

  • Compound Growth:

    Your earnings generate their own earnings over time

Important Considerations

Keep these factors in mind when managing your 401(k):

  • Early Withdrawal Penalties:

    Withdrawals before age 59½ may incur a 10% penalty plus taxes

  • Contribution Limits:

    The IRS sets annual limits on how much you can contribute

  • Investment Mix:

    Diversification and regular rebalancing are important