RACI Matrix Excel Template

Define and document project responsibilities with clear role assignments and task ownership

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Available in Google Sheets format. Can be exported to Excel.

Define Project Responsibilities

Create a clear responsibility matrix for your project with our comprehensive RACI template, defining who is Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed for each task.

RACI Roles

Understanding role assignments:

  • R (Responsible): Person doing the work
  • A (Accountable): Person ultimately answerable
  • C (Consulted): People whose opinions are sought
  • I (Informed): People kept up-to-date on progress

Matrix Structure

Setting up your RACI matrix:

  • Task/Activity: List all project tasks
  • Roles: Define project roles across columns
  • Assignments: Mark R, A, C, or I for each task-role combination

Instructions Sheet

Detailed guidance included:

  • Clear explanations of RACI roles
  • Best practices for role assignment
  • Common usage examples

Benefits of Using Our Template

  • Clear role definitions
  • Improved accountability
  • Better communication
  • Streamlined workflow