Construction Estimate Excel Template

Create detailed construction cost estimates and track project expenses with our comprehensive template

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Available in Google Sheets format. Can be exported to Excel.

Create Detailed Construction Estimates

Track construction costs, manage materials and labor expenses, and create comprehensive project estimates with our detailed estimation template.

Estimate Sheet

Track construction costs by category:

  • Category: Type of construction cost (e.g., Site Preparation)
  • Description: Details of the task or material
  • Quantity: Amount needed for the task or material
  • Unit: Measurement unit (e.g., m², pcs, hours)
  • Unit Cost: Cost per unit of material or labor
  • Total Cost: Automatically calculated (Quantity × Unit Cost)

Summary Sheet

Project cost overview:

  • Total Materials Cost: Sum of all material expenses
  • Total Labor Cost: Combined labor expenses
  • Total Equipment Cost: Combined equipment expenses
  • Overall Estimate: Total project cost calculation

Automatic Calculations

The template automatically calculates total costs for each line item and provides summary totals for materials, labor, and equipment costs to give you a comprehensive project estimate.

Benefits of Using Our Template

  • Organized cost tracking
  • Automatic calculations
  • Detailed cost breakdown
  • Professional estimates