Rent vs. Buy Calculator

Compare the financial implications of renting versus buying a home. Find your break-even point and make an informed decision.

Home Purchase Details

Rental & Personal Details

Understanding the Rent vs. Buy Decision

Buying Considerations

Buying a home is a significant investment that comes with both benefits and responsibilities:

  • • Build equity over time through mortgage payments
  • • Potential tax benefits from mortgage interest deductions
  • • Freedom to modify and improve the property
  • • Protection against rent increases
  • • Long-term stability and investment potential

Renting Advantages

Renting offers flexibility and fewer responsibilities:

  • • Lower upfront costs and more flexibility to move
  • • No responsibility for maintenance or repairs
  • • Predictable monthly housing costs
  • • Opportunity to invest difference in other assets
  • • No exposure to real estate market risks

Break-Even Analysis

The break-even point helps determine how long you need to stay in a home for buying to become financially advantageous over renting.

Investment Returns

Consider the opportunity cost of your down payment and how it might perform if invested in other assets like stocks or bonds.

Location Factors

Local market conditions, property taxes, and housing appreciation rates can significantly impact the rent vs. buy decision.